Au Technology Solutions is committed to furthering the accessibility and usability of its website Furthermore, Au Technology Solutions will be using the relevant portions of the WWWCWCAG (World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG) to guide its compliance. The relevant portions of the WCAG will serve as our primary web accessibility standard, though other standards may also be used to provide accessibility to the extent required by the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act.)
Our website has been developed with the theme “Neve (Neve – Super Fast, AMP & Gutenberg-Ready WordPress Theme (” and Starter Site “Agency (Agency – Just another Demos Sites site ( from Themeisle. This was done per “3 Actionable Ways to Improve WordPress Accessibility for Your Visitors (” implementing the changes explained and the plugin installation recommended.
Au Technology Solutions is using a variety of testing tools including but not limited to WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools ( and Results – The adjustments implemented are based on the feedback on the tests provided by these sources.
We are working on improving our site, please send us your ADA Accessibility questions to:
Au Technology Solutions
[email protected]